The Value of Transport Services
Parents who have made the decision to place their troubled teen in a treatment center or other intervention program often overlook the value of professional transport services. In an effort to save money, or to remain as involved as possible, they place themselves and their troubled teen in potentially explosive situations. Not only can perilous situations be avoided, but by employing an transport professional numerous benefits can be realized.
Managing Emotion, Anxiety, and Crisis
Normally there is a high degree of emotion and anxiety associated with the concept and process of placing a troubled or defiant teen in a program. Parents feel justified. Adolescents feel defiant or unfairly overwhelmed.
When skilled teen transport companies become involved, much of the emotional tension is instantly released. The intervention, along with de-escalation techniques, begins immediately, in your home. Through proper planning with you, you merely need to make the decision, then allow the troubled teen transport company to provide you with fulfillment of your objectives. Your Adolescent is far more prepared to respond to unfamiliar, caring, though determined authority figures, than he/she might otherwise be with you. From the moment they begin contact and communication with your teen, anxiety decreases, and the potential for crisis or safety issues diminishes.
The Difficulty with Parent Transports
When parents seek to complete the transport themselves, especially with a highly manipulative or defiant teen, they are bombarded incessantly with techniques honed by their long-term relationship with their Adolescent. Buttons are pushed. Anxiety, guilt, anger, and fear are but a few of the emotions that become increasingly intense. But worse, should the teen succeed in preventing placement, he/she loses by winning. Weakness is reinforced. Placement is necessary. You know it. But you also know you've been defeated -- And your teen knows it.
The emotional strain on parents in this process is serious enough. But when parents feel defeated it is often overwhelming. Seeking to save money, in this case, can actually have costs that are neither easily nor readily quantifiable.
Sadly, parents who attempt to transport a defiant teen, because they want to let their teen know they care, are often the recipients of the most aggressive manipulative strategies by their teens. Hurtful statements and attacks are made in an attempt to make the parents feel guilty. Ironically, the same message of care and concern for the teen can be provided through the transport process, without the risk of manipulative harm coming from the adolescent during transport.
For Safety and Success, Intervention Begins at Home
In essence, transport professionals make it clear, not only to your troubled teen, but to you, that intervention begins in your home. Ultimately, as treatment care provides the help your teen needs, intervention will ultimately end with your teen successfully re-entering your home, and properly functioning in the family environment.
Another benefit, often not considered by parents, is that students are far more likely to enter a therapeutic boarding school feeling positive and willing to engage in the treatment process when they have been transported. They don't walk through the doors of the program having just separated from a heated emotional encounter with their parents. They aren't tricked and "dropped off" by parents who made them think they were going on vacation. When troubled teens enter a program on a bad note, they often focus their feelings of anger, betrayal, and defiance on the treatment staff and program. Sometimes this process of anger and defiance takes months to overcome.
What are the Costs? What are the Benefits?
Consider your adolescent. Will it be more costly not to employ a skilled, trained transport company?
Transporting an angry and defiant teen is one of the hardest decisions a parent can make. We want to make this process as smooth as possible because we know that you are going through a crisis already with placement. This should be the last thing you need to worry about. Our highly trained and licensed staff is ready and willing to leave at the drop of a hat.
We have a combined total of 11+ years in transporting troubled teens, so put your worries to rest and let us take care of everything for you. We want you to concentrate on getting your son or daughter the help he or she needs and deserves without wondering on top of all that, how you are going to get time off work to get your teen to the facility. Don't burden yourself with the worry of your troubled teen running from you while you are trying to transport them to the facility. Let our highly trained and skilled staff get your son or daughter safely to the destination without any worries.
In all of the numerous transports we have done, not one teen has ran from us nor been harmed or mistreated in anyway. This is not tolerated in any way and if any staff member is charged with a violation during a transport, they will be terminated and prosecuted to full extent, no exceptions. We want you, the parent, to know we are here to help and get your teen to the behavior modification program as quick as possible so the healing process can begin.
What happens before and during a Transport
This is a gray area for a lot of families because most transport agencies just show up at your door with little to no instructions for the parents on what to do. Not us! We want this to be a positive experience, not a bad one because the stress of having to enroll a troubled teen in a treatment program is already there, so this process should run as smooth as possible. We will try to cover the usual routine that our agency follows.
Before a transport we communicate by way of telephone on booking flights, rental cars, etc for the set-up of the transport. We also instruct parents on what and what not to say to their teen, as some teens will run if they get wind that this is taking place.
Next we have a transport form which must be filled out and faxed back before the transport can take place. Our agents will not get in the air unless this form is in our hands as it puts too much liability on our heads and we are unable to transport your troubled teen without it. Once we have the proper paperwork and payment has been received for the transport along with booked flights, the agents are sent out.
When we get to your home it is most appropriate to meet with the parent or legal guardian outside the home to go over the process one last time. We inform the parents to go into the room introduce us and then leave. Let us do our part and handle the situation as we are trained so that your teen can be on their way with no harm. We find that if a parent stays in the room or close by that the rage only increases and things are said on both ends that neither the parent nor the teen mean. We want to avoid this at all costs so complying with this guideline is key in a transport. Once we have the teen calmed down and willing to come with us, the rest is all taken care of.
Finally, we keep the parent informed the whole length of the trip so that they know how the transport is going. Once we have landed and your son or daughter is at the behavior modification facility, you will be notified and the director of the facility will also make contact with you.
What do you do to restrain a teen if they become violent during a transport?
There is a very fine line in being a great transport agent and a decent transport agent. Our agents do not carry hand cuffs instead plastic restraints may be used only if necessary. We do not feel a teen should be handcuffed and forced out of their home that will only increase the rage towards the situation. Instead, our agents diffuse the situation in the home and leave without having to use any restraints. Listed below is pricing for a transport and what is covered in that pricing, so you know exactly what you are paying for. Transport form and payment are due before escort can take place. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.
We are here to help. If you are considering treatment, consider having us assist you with arrangement of transport services. We're your resource, beginning with proper intervention at home. Your anxiety, heartache, and frustration will be lower. The likelihood of your teen's success will be higher. Let us help.